REHAB which means….Rent out…Exasperating…Husband…After…Bypass!!!!! Between dealing with Magoo popping in about five times a day to check on Bill and Bill snapping at everyone for no reason, I am prompted to rent them both out…no sell them!!! Magoo has made it his mission to torment Bill by walking in and waking him up. Actually he is tormenting me because Bill goes right back to sleep and I have the duty of running him off. It’s hard to explain Bill’s problem. I know the feeling of being creeped out by pain and of having the begiggers scared out of you by going through a life threating event but he needs to let up a little. He quips and is sharp with people. I’m sure it will pass but it is enough to drive me crazy.
Lani left yesterday to visit “Mr. Wonderful” (love you Timothy) in South Carolina. I always track her with the website called “Flight Tracker”. I was freaking out when I saw her plane going all over the eastern seaboard! She was supposed to land in Columbia, SC but managed to circle it twice and then they headed south to Charleston. They were diverted there due to the bad storms going through that region. She was supposed to land in Columbia at 5:13 PM EST. But finally landed there at 9PM EST. Lani said she sat next to a traveling pilot and he kept showing her on his electronic devise that they were not where they were supposed to be. Lani mentioned there wasn’t enough beer on the plane! Not to mention that the pilot of the United Express Jet looked like he was 19. After refueling in Charleston and getting more adult beverages on board, the teenage pilot got my child to Columbia.
Got up this morning to get the trash out and in the middle of the pool there was the cutest water frog. This frog was positioned at the bottom of the pool on it’s hind legs, ready to leap at the next bug that swam by. “Kung Fu” frog!!!! Seriously…he had his little hands up in the air and his legs in squat position. I haven’t had to remove any bugs from either of the skimmers or the top of the water in weeks. He does as much as “Cooter Brown” (what we named our pool cleaner) does and you don’t have to replace any parts. All he needs is a little bandana!
My childhood friend Patrice called me last week to inform me that her sister Judy was going to be in town and wanted to try to get together for a visit. It’s kinda hard for me with Bill and Magoo but we managed a few hours together to talk over old times. It was so good to see them both. Time flies and we go way to far between visits. Son Dusty and grandson Braden came over and helped with all the mowing. I made my list of to-do’s. Everything from feeding dogs and horses, taking out trash, taking the pool sample, cleaning all the houses, laundry, grocery list, bathing dogs, cooking enough so I don’t have to do it everyday and setting up and getting everyone to doctors appointments. Oh well…makes the days go fast. Lani will be gone 10 days. It’s only been one and it seems like 5.
Bill is supposed to start rehab this week. (The real one). Have not heard from the hospital on his schedule but should hear something soon. Dr. Odhav’s nurse has been working on it. I am do for another CA125 test this month and probably an exam too. I will get with Dr. Bevers on our timing. It’s time to give the who-who some attention!
Thank you Tony (Tone Dog Media) for helping me iron out a few things on my website. I am trying to get a fan page started for Facebook. I get back to everyone on that. And thanks to friend/writer/editor Melanie Saxton for the wonderful article that you wrote about “Ride,Baby,Ride!” in the “Katy Christian Magazine”. If anyone is interested my story is on page 30 of the June/July issue. It can be found at CVS Pharmacies and HEB”S (and many more places) in the Katy area. AND IT”S FREE! There is also a story about a friend of mine who owns a pet business called “Privileged Pets”. Fiona, and hubby Jack, have a boarding kennel and pet sitting service. Jack also trains dogs. If you need more info visit their website ( They are a wonderful couple and your pets will be glad you did. More to come out too about the fundraiser on the 21ST of this month. Have a wonderful week my friends. Hugs to you all.
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