Leilani Hurles’ positive attitude and joie-de-vivre have turned her battle with ovarian cancer into an inspiring model of hope, determination, and laugh-out-loud humor for all who know her.
Through a series of weekly update emails, Leilani kept family and friends rolling on the floor over her cancer journey. She initially had little idea how inspiring her emails would be, or that people would forward them on to their own family and friends until they had circulated around the world and even been read by prayer groups and readers demanded she publish them as a book.
“God has a plan and my job is not to challenge it, but feed from it and figure out what He is trying to tell me. It’s like crop circles. No one can explain them but they are there. And heaven knows no one can explain me!” – Leilani Hurles
Leilani Essary Hurles is a retired teacher and coach, mother, wife, author, and stage three recurring ovarian cancer survivor. She has devoted the last year-and-a-half to uplifting spirits for those who just need a big hug.
Leilani has a B.S. degree in Education from the University of Houston. She currently resides with her husband, her cat, horses, and her dog in Navasota, Texas. She hopes her book brings hope and laughs to all battling cancer or any other adversities in life.
She continues her weekly Monday email updates.
If you would like to read Leilani’s updates visit her blog.
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