History Repeats Itself!

Always afraid that history would repeat itself in certain stupid things I’ve done…I am very careful to try to remember stuff that seems to float away and keep focused on important issues.  Well, I’ve gone and done it!  The chemo fog cannot be blamed for this one.  That is unless chemo meds stay in the system and hide and then pop out every now and then.  Once a week I give in to misery and shave Magoo.  This is never a pleasant task.  There are so many factors to consider.  First of all…if I nick him in any way…he will bleed forever.  Plavix kicks in and it is a disaster.  Then I have to put up with his regiment of feeling every spot on his face to make sure I didn’t miss one whisker.  Then it’s the bathroom visit always in the middle of the shave to prolong the time that I am in misery.  And on and on!  So…..I am pulling what little hair I have out in my haste to depart.  I cleaned up our mess and went home.  Only to find the next day that I had deposited the shaving cream can in the fridge.  Next to the apple juice.  (Deja Vu…remember the time I couldn’t find the ringing telephone in “Ride,Baby,Ride” after a chemo session, and found it the fridge)?  Lani was laughing so hard.  She thought that Magoo’s house had gone from equator status to igloo status.  Being discreet, I put the shaving cream can by Bill’s shaving stuff.  I really thought he had already shaved that morning (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).  I am fixing breakfast and I hear this spew of words that a sailor in a whore house wouldn’t use.  I ran! Fast!  Bill came barreling in the kitchen with icicles hanging from his face.  I just chalked it up to somehow he deserved that.   Or will do something that he will deserve it. 

And he did!!!!  I need to mention that we need to keep all sharp objects, and ladders away from Bill.  I am on the phone with my neighbor and I hear the spew of words again.  I know this time is was nothing I’ve done…I think.  I mean he is outside on the front veranda, doing the “honey do”, decorating for the Halloween hay-riders. Bill walks in with a bleeding head.  Are you ready?  He forgot that the ceiling fans were on, climbed up the ladder and got his head tangled in one.  He is fine.  No stitches needed.  My neighbor and I decided that men need supervision no matter what they are doing!  Of course, I’m good, unless I’m storing things! 

I ran into a health tip that I thought might be helpful.  I was reading about the problems that go along with cancer.  Many cancer patients report fatigue.  And I totally understand that.  Especially after chemo.  Ginseng seems to be very helpful.  It is reported that people reported a great difference in feeling less tired.  2,000 milligrams of pure ground ginseng root daily seemed to be the key.  I know ginseng is also helpful for memory lapses.  And so is lecithin.  The reason I bring this up is I will be downing both of these.  Maybe that way, one day,  I won’t find Bill’s ass stuffed in the refrigerator!

Very proud of my Texans.  Went to the game yesterday with Bill, Lani and daughter-in-law Jennifer.  Had a blast.  Thanks to sis-in-law Libby for Magoo sitting.  It was heartwarming in that the Texans were honoring veterans.  President George H. W. Bush was there to perform the coin toss.  He is getting to the point where he needs help to walk but he still has that wonderful smile and determination that I always loved about him.  Challenger, the awesome bald eagle, flew around the stadium during the National Anthem and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house.  It was beautiful! 

Entering into November brings a great feeling of love for me.  I love the holidays and I look forward to them each year.  Cooking, the wonderful smells, family,  going to plays with Lani (it’s our girl thing together each holiday season) and yes, even starting my Christmas shopping.  I guess I feel so blessed to have the 3 extra Christmas seasons that God has given me.   


Posted in Monday Update | 2 Comments

Equator Experience!

I have been visiting Quito, Ecuador this past week.  No, not literally but the replica of it in the form of Magoo’s domain.  I walk in the house and drop to my knees of heat stroke.  His dachshund Lilly was camped out on the porch which should have been a huge hint that the weather inside was not it’s usual comfy self.  If Lilly leaves her life of luxury (except to go to the bathroom)  something is up.  Like in this case…the temperature!  As I started to enter she starts barking at me…DON”T GO IN THERE!  The city on the equator had nothing on Magoo.  And the man is in his recliner watching TV in his famous 1920’s bathrobe drinking a Dr. Pepper.  Dad…aren’t you a little warm?  Ahhh, yes…it is getting a little warm in here.  OMG, a herd of camels would be searching for water, the heat gods would move to Alaska, the potted plants were on their last root and sweat beads were forming on the fridge.  Where the hell is the oasis?  I am almost afraid to see the electric bill next month.  Donations are being excepted and we are searching for a foster home for Magoo!

Visited my favorite dentist and his harem last Thursday.  Dr. Kaestner and girls had the honor of fixing my chipped tooth.  Don’t ask me how it was chipped..I don’t know.  The “chipping bandit” did it while I wasn’t looking.  So handsome Dr. K.  got to repair the damage.  I walked in sat in the chair and preceeded to spread my legs.  With his wonderful sense of humor he laughed and said ” I work on the other end, dear”.  Oh yeah, I forgot…I’m so used to who-who exams…..habit!  I’m sure he is thrilled that I am returning today with Lani.  She has a teeth cleaning appointment.  Hugs to Roger and gang for always making us feel so special.

The Halloween hayride visited the house on Saturday evening.  Led by the Fulshear Fire Dept., the kids had a safe,fun, and candy rewarding hayride.  Our neighborhood is so lucky to have this special event for the kids.  Bill did not have to dress up this year to scare the crap out of them.  He had his scar from his skin cancer surgery to amuse them.  Actually it’s looking quit well.  Getting rid of the Frankenstein appearance.  Our daughter-in-law Jennifer and grand-kids, Karleigh and Braden, joined us for the day to watch football and hand out the goodies.   Braden, helped Bill with all the outdoor chores.   Mowing, weed-eating, and all the stuff that goes with 5 acres gets a little difficult for us old guys sometimes and the help is always welcome. 

Do you remember what it was like to have to go to the doctor when you were young?  Did’t want to get that shot.  Cried when you found out that that is where you were headed.  Mom tricked us into getting into the car…locked us in so there was no escape…and worst of all bribed us with going out to lunch and candy.  Well, I remember doing it to my kids too.  And yesterday I got to do it again with my 33 year old daughter.  Yes…Lani.  I had to go to Kroger to pick up dad’s pills and grocery shop.  Asked her to come along to help out.  When I went to pick up Magoo’s “medicine cabinet”, I informed her we were going to get our flu shots.  Lani is the biggest coward when it comes to needles.  Actually, in the past she has passed out.  But our pharmacist Steve H. is my hero.  And gives great injections.  I didn’t even feel it.  Lani started sweating the minute the word shot came out.  She is fine now.  A few beers helped relieve the emotional strain.  We have elevated from promising candy to promising alcohol.  What is this world coming to?

We have a red shouldered hawk family that resides somewhere on or near our property.  Every morning they are scavenging the area for goodies.  Field mice beware!  And they can rid the acreage of all the snakes they want. UGH!  It is so neat to see them on their mission.  Determined and strong.  I warned Lilly of the threat….She may want to camp out near the doggy door on equator days in the casa, to avoid an encounter.  I have seen those birds with some pretty large cargo in their possession.  Their talons are huge!

Have been reading a book written by the parents of Colton Burpo.  They also wrote “Heaven is for Real”.  In it they talk about what I have said throughout “Ride,Baby,Ride!”…….There are NO coincidences.  Nothing happens by chance.  Todd and Sonja Burpo write in their new book “Heaven Changes Everything”, which reiterated this fact, and called it “God-cidents”.  Great word to replace coincidence.  So my friends… God put you in my life for a reason and I know that is so special to me.  This is a special gift God has sent us and it’s no coincidence!


Posted in Monday Update | 2 Comments

Magoo On The Loose

Heaven help us!  I swear this is why I love my wine.  Magoo has been a “world traveler”.  And what I mean by that is that the man is freaking superman!  His cape is an ordinary bathrobe that just happens to be about 20 years old. His super hero shoes are house slippers from the 19th century (he doesn’t like new ones…they don’t fit right).  His pj’s tops  never match his bottoms and his sunglasses look like they are aviator goggles.  Put them all together and it is “the astounding Magoo”!  He falls off porches in a single bound.  He thinks he has to check on the vehicle inventory every morning when he gets up.  So nosey…wants to know who has left the house.  He has the timing of a computer event calendar.  He comes out right when someone is getting ready to do something. The man picks the most inopportune times to show up at the back door.  He has now decided that peeing off the porch is better than wasting water flushing the john.  Gee…hope the neighbors think so too.  Thank goodness we have 5 acres and no one would ever know what he is doing.  The only peeping toms around are the girls in the back field and believe me he has absolutely nothing on their bull!  Believe me …I know.  I have long admired that boy!!!!!

I need more feedback from all of you.  Lani and I are in the last stages of our book.  Their are things that I wanted to put in the first one but didn’t know how to fit them in the first time around.  I remember one day after the “big” surgery.  Laying there flat on my back…not being able to move too much and people coming in and out with FOOD!  Not that I cared a thing about it a day after surgery but I heard a nurse say to someone “I wish I had a Snickers right about now”.  My first thought was chocolate.  That kinda woke me up a bit.  Then I thought to myself …self, I almost lost my life.  If I had to be a candy bar in life…what would be my incredients?  I started adding things to my “must be in me” list.  Things of course that I like….for example chocolate, almonds, caramel and more “fun size” than “super size”.. .. you know a candy bar on steroids!   But then I was visited by my minister extraordinaire Dr. Dave Peterson.  He walked in and prayed with me.  The man had just flown in from a trip and stopped by to see me at the hospital.  How unselfish and caring is this?   My thoughts then went from what goes into my personal perfect candy bar to what human traits would I give me, to add to the ingredients.   Unselfish would definiately be one.  Live each day like it’s your last (I really thought it was).   The ability to laugh out loud and enjoy the fun things we miss everyday by just being stupid.  Patience. The power to heal others mentally. Strength to do what needs to be done and the endurance to rise to every challenge that comes my way.  So now I’m a awesome candy bar!  I enjoy life, love, heal, have patience and strength ..plus I taste good, no artificial ingredients, melt in your mouth and in your hands…no hard covering on me.  My expiration date is what  I make it, and people come back for more!  So now what is my name?   “Divine Explosion”…  the orgasmic chocolate that keeps on coming!   Would love to hear what type bar you would be.  Get back with me.

My friend Dave Peterson and I had the great pleasure of meeting our publishing coach this morning.  Patrick Snow is a professional keynote speaker, publishing and book marketing coach, small business coach, and best selling author of ” The Affluent Entrepreneur” and “Creating Your Own Destiny”. ($24.95 per copy)   Patrick lives in Washington but had a speaking engagement at the Westin Galleria.  If you are interested in any of Patrick’s talents visit him at www.PatrickSnow.com.   Dave’s book is available through our church bookstore. (Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX)  Ask for Receiving And Giving “Unleashing the Bless Challenge in Your Life”.  ( $19.95 a book). 

I was reading through the Farmers Almanac for 2013.  Always interested in what the weather is going to do.  There were many great articles but one was a page listing all the names of the different phobias.  A phobia is a persistent fear of something or a situation.   An example..Zoophobia is the fear of animals.( Makes sense).  I found one for Dr. Bing…the fear of train travel is Siderodromophobia. (Not a clue where that fits in).  Fear of women is Gynophobia.  (Dr. Bevers and Dr. Cook obviously don’t have that one).  Anyway they go on and on.  So I guess the fear of the “who-who” is Twatsscareomephobia!  Remember fear is only as deep as the mind allows. 

A friend of mine Lynn wrote me an e-mail not to long ago and said” Life moves on, we make decisions that force change in ways we would predict will go well and go with the flow.  The ability to make change is part of what brings peace in the end”.  I really like it and thought I would share it .  No guarantees, crap happens and that’s just life.  Peter Pan said, “reach for the stars…grab the moon… and take off across the sky”.  That’s me baby!!! Ride,Baby,Ride!



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From Colonoscopy To Leg Cramps

The best way to describe a colonoscopy is mid-evil torture treatment that is literally a pain in the ass!  And the prep for a colonoscopy is a cannibals way of cleaning the dinner  before the meal.  I have had several bloggers in the last few weeks ask me how I made it through so many butt adventures.  In the past few years, as all know, and if you follow my book and happenings,  intrusions to my hinny are numerous and will be as long as I keep kicking.  Part of my exam routine.  Lucky Dr. Bevers.  Therefore, I have managed to come up with a list of 10 things to help prepare for a colonoscopy. 
Throne Prepareness 101:
1).  Mentally prepare yourself days in advance.  Lots of wine helps.  Don’t eat a bunch of stuff that takes days to come out and is considered a clogger, like cheese.  It just makes it worse in the end.   No pun intended! 
2).  Have a can of foo-foo spray close by.  Not saying your poop stinks but you are the one having to sit in the fumes and no one else, hopefully, except maybe the dog and mine even left me alone.
3).  Comfortable clothing.  No pants required.  Socks or house slippers if you get cold feet. 
4).  Reading Material.  Depends on your taste in literature.  But no short stories.  You will be there a while so find one that will last as long as you do.  Catalogs, magazines, World Almanac, Colonoscopies For Dummies, are all acceptable.
5).  TV is a must.  Position it to where you can see it from the “john”.  And don’t forget the remote.  But don’t set it on your lap…for obvious reasons.  Unless it’s poop and water proof for over 8 inches.
6).  Telephone, cell phone, Ipod, IPad, lap top and any other devises that can occupy your attention for a while.  Again do not forget where you put them.
7).  Make sure to have a comfortable toilet seat.  Bill and I are very particular about our seat.  Soft and cushioned are definitely a plus. 
8).  Games, puzzles, cards…or get caught up on paper work.  Don’t forget a pencil. 
9).  Scrap-booking.  Hey, takes up time and you ain’t going nowhere!!!!
10).  Some type of butt cream handy.  “Chap my ass” used to be just a saying when one was irritated about something. Vaseline, Desitin, or aloe should be kept near in case of the “chapped ass” syndrome. 
In other words in this situation  being crazy just might work!

I was so thrilled to hear about all of your Charley Horse stories.  Seriously, I knew everyone experiences these cramps on occasion but the tales had me rolling.  So lets start out on… what causes a Charley Horse cramp?  According to Web-MD, they always come without warning.  They can be caused by taking statin drugs(like Crestor) , dehydration, magnesium or potassium deficiency, poor circulation in your legs, exercising in extreme heat, or an over-exertion of calf muscles.  Web-MD also says when one occurs you can apply heat or ice, do stretches, massage it, or take a bath in Epsom salt.  Now, the only thing I know is when I have one I have to get up and stretch it.  My friend Pat says she puts ice packs on hers,  another lady said her mom always brushed the calf with a hair brush, and others say they just wait it out.  Whatever floats your boat.

I will be nice and leave all names out.  The first story a lady said that her husband sleeps in “the buff”.  When a Charley horse hit in the middle of the night…he bolted up out of bed and started jumping up and down.  Now, visualizing this next part had me on the floor.  Buck naked jumping up and down, arms waving, spewing words of disgust and the “ole rod and reel” bouncing all over the place.   She said at that point it was hard to tell where the charley horse was. 

Another lady had a cramp in the middle of the night and started screaming and her husband flew out of bed and grabbed the pistol and was ready to blow her away thinking she was a burglar.  So here’s a hint.  Turn on the light if you are going to scream and turn the light off if your husband sleeps in the nude!  One dude was jumping all over the place and banged up against the bedroom sliding glass door and took it out while setting off the alarm.  So be careful out there. 

If you live in the Houston area there is some animal news for you.  Our neighbors rescued a dog.  8-9 month old male mix breed.  His name is Bowser because they found him on Bowser Road.  He has had his shots and will be neutered soon.  He is a camel color with a white spot on his face.  Is crate trained and is house broken.  He seems to get along with others well.  If you are know anyone interested please contact me and I will get the info to our neighbors to call you.  This little guy needs a good loving home. 

As for me I will be taking in more potassium to ward off leg cramps.  So I guess I’ll eat a banana every night as my bedtime snack.  Take a banana to bed!  No imagination journeys please.  I could have opted for a cucumber! 


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Under The Sheets Happenings

Starting out today with great news.  Bill got his stitches removed and test results show that Dr. Ahern got all of the melanoma.  The incision looks fantastic.  Dr. Ahern is a cosmetic genius.  The other spot on his ear is healing nicely as well.  My CA 125 came back a 4.  It in fact went down from last time (depends on the calibration).  To make the trifecta complete…the pelvic and rectal exams showed nothing.  So all clear for another 3 months.  So all results from under the sheets are great!  Dr. Bevers wasn’t even shocked when I didn’t even wear the hospital gown.  I just threw the sheet over me.  He would just go under the gown.  He said nothing I do shocks him anyway.  Wonder what he meant by that?  I think next time I’ll surprise him with crotchless panties!  Wouldn’t have to remove those except it would have to have another entrance for the rectal exam…never mind, not worth the effort!  Have my port flushed out today.  So I’ll get to visit with my St. Luke’s girls that I miss so much.

Last night I attended a function for the Big Brother Big Sister organization.  Ladies from all over the Houston area attended.  CEO’s, CFO’s, Presidents, Vice- Presidents and so and so forth from all the major oil and gas companies, major banks, private businesses, etc.  were there to give support to BBBS.  As a member of the founding family, I would like to thank BBBS for inviting me to such a wonderful gathering.  I know by all the out going and dedicated people that I met, BBBS will be honored to have them join us in our mission to help all youngsters that need some guidance in their lives.  Whether it be partnerships, volunteer as a Big Sister, or a donation….all will help in our goal to navigate youth in the right direction.  A special thanks to Laura for opening her beautiful home (of which the wine cellar and the life sized bronze statue of Louie Armstrong playing his trumpet were my favorite things) and to Mary who coed the event.  You are both very special ladies!

Also this week Bill and I attended a luncheon and picture session at Minute Maid Park for the BBBS.  Channel 2’s Khambrel Marshall (also BBBS Houston Advisory Board Chair) was in charge of the emcee department.  Khambrel has been a wonderful mentor for BBBS for many years and we really appreciate all he does.  And Pres. Ron…thanks for all you do.  Amazing turn out.

I have a new project for this weekend.  Since Lani and I are working on our new book, I have decided to have a chapter on the making of great cocktails.  So if you have any ” blow your underwear off”  cocktail recipes let us know.  I have about 10 so far.  I mean several of them would have you running down I 10 naked, trying to find your underwear after they blew off!

Still collecting Charley Horse stories.  The ones people have sent are hilarious.  That will be featured in the Monday update.  There is one story about a spouse that experienced one and he sleeps naked.  I almost fell off my chair.  Just something to look forward to.


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Charley Horse

No, not a story about a Native American.  A story about the excruciating leg pain, that seems to occur more often lately, invading my “dreamland” slumber time.  There is no describing this unwanted cramp.  I jumped up at 4AM doing an “anti” Charley Horse dance.  The dogs scattered as I flew off the bed, stomping the floor, crashing into dog pillows, a vase of flowers, oscillating fan, exercise equipment and spewing more cuss words than a sailor in a whore house!  And Bill calmly asks “Is anything wrong”?  Funeral service pending!  For those of you that have seen the right side of Bill’s face after his skin cancer surgery…well, he know has the left side to match.  Even Starr, our female black lab, looked at him and said “honestly you are like a 4 year old boy that shaves”!  Mom is going to kick your ass.  I visit Dr. Bevers on Thursday.  I will add the question of what type of deficiency causes Charley to visit. Has to be something I can add to my diet.  But it must go well with Merlot!

What about those Texans?  We had a great time watching the game.  Kids, grand-kids, and daughter-in-laws all game by for spaghetti and football.  Even Magoo stayed up till half time.  Bets were out as to how long he would hang in there.  I guess it will be Green Bay’s turn next week.  GO TEXANS!!!!!

Bill and I will be attending a Big Brother Big Sister luncheon today at Minute Maid Park.  It is always a pleasure to be around great people who give of their time and share it with the youth.  It gives so many children a boost… that need a little extra TLC.   My dad founded BBBS in Houston over 60 years ago and Bill and I love being just a little small part of what he created.  Thanks dad!

Has anyone ever had to put up with “not so intelligent” relatives?  (In-laws, outlaws, immediate, distant, and so on)
From all the questions I get from all of you, it seems like a topic that needs to be discussed.  Bill and I have them..everyone has them.  But don’t let it get to you.  Do what you think is right and worry about your own problems.  Some others think that they are the first one you should come to.  Remember…as Bill and I do… we are a team, we decide things together, what is best for us at the time.  Our need at times is privacy and others should respect that.  And to those who have asked…yes, some people are ignorant enough to call names and stir up crap… ignore it and go on.  Life throws curves and people deal with them in different ways.  Either they get over it and accept it…you know, like take off your diapers and quit pouting or smile and wish whoever is in need… prayers and hope.  Simple to most.   I hope this helps.  Our days are filled with knowing that we have each other and you .

If any of you have Charley Horse stories…send them to me.  Maybe we can get a few laughs out of “drop to the floor” pain!  I’ll let you know when I get my blood work and exam news back.  Bill gets his stitches out tomorrow.  So we will also get his lab results back at that time.  Hang in there everyone. 




Posted in Monday Update | 6 Comments

Stuff to know

I would like to give a shout out about a few things going on in our area.

A Country Girl Can Survive is a benefit for Robin Coultas.  She has an incredible story and shares Dr. Bevers with me. ( Well…you know what I mean).  Robin is fighting ovarian and uterine cancer among other issues.  Robin’s friends and family are trying to raise money to help Robin pay medical bills.  Here is the info and how you can help.

The Old Trading Post
9903 FM 2759 Booth, TX
Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 at 4 PM
Live entertainment by the Russell Ray Band
Live auction…Silent auction…Bake Sale
Family Fun $5. cover charge
$10. BBQ plates
You may Host a Booth, Donate Items, or send cash donations

Cash Donations to the Robin Coultas Benefit Fund
please send to Dee Ann Crawford
706 Mayweather Ct.
Richmond, TX 77406  or call DeeAnn at 512-630-9926
 I will have a booth and will sell and sign my books.  $5.00 of each book will go to Robin’s Fund.


My friend Shara Fryer , which I’m sure all Houstonians are familiar with after being on Channel 13 for 25 years, now has a radio show on KTRK 740-AM from 5 to 8:30 AM  The drive-time slot for morning work traffic.  If you are an early bird…check her out.  A wonderful lady and cancer survivor.


And last but not least…..my pastor, Dr. Dave Peterson has written a book and it is now out.  If you need an extra boost , a shot of love, a blessing is headed your way.  Pick up a copy of “Receiving And Giving”.  Dave challenges you to discover how blessed you are.  Remember we are all here for a reason and we meet people for a reason.  Your bleesing  homework just shows up in every day happenings.  $19.95.  ISBN #978-1-935586-72-2

More later my friends.  Love and help one another.

Posted in Events | 2 Comments

The Explosion Heard Around the World!!

I really don’t where to begin.  I can only say I appreciate all the phone calls and e-mails trying to check on us.  The month of September was a nightmare when it came to our Internet service.  Living in the country has its advantages but it also has its setbacks.  One of them is Internet service.  Trying to improve our Internet, we changed from DSL with ATT to wireless with Verizon.  In the process saving $30. a month.  Only problem is that two towers were fighting over our signals which made it even slower than it was.  So being the wonder company that they are, Verizon and their wonderful customer service agent, Adrienne, refunded all our money, let us keep the equipment, and did not charge us a fee to discontinue service early.  Our cell phones are with them and we love it.  Then there was the matter of hooking back up with ATT.  The only other provider we can use in Fulshear Farms.  (Unless we went satellite).  Now ATT says we are no longer available for DSL …we have to go to U-Verse.  OK, fine.  We’ll get you all set up by Saturday.  That was Saturday Sept. 1ST.  Since then we have talked to 30 different people, supervisors included, and got absolutely nowhere.  Then a couple of weeks ago when someone was supposed to come out for the fifth time, we get a call that we can’t get U-verse in our area.  Now we don’t get U-verse and we can get DSL back because we have to have the new U-verse.  Now …do you see what we have been through.  I’m on the phone daily talking to idiots all over the world that have no clue what is going on.  I really don’t know how the company can be the largest communication company in the world when they can’t communicate.  One day I sat down with a glass of wine (I knew I’d be on the phone for a couple of hours) and tried again.  Got a tech supervisor in The Philippines!  I BLEW UP!!!!  I even had the F-bombs flying.  So they had someone test the wires from somewhere.  They left the phone wires disconnected!  So we had no land-line for 2 days.  I could go on and on.  ATT sent us 6 surveys to ask us how they did.  Get this… they sent them on the Internet…which we don’t have.  Now who was the Rhode Scholar that thought of that?    Anyway, we got it back yesterday evening.  Good thing, I was starting to go crazy…well, more than I already am.  I was counting George Strait’s instead of sheep.  Although not a bad thing.  Those cute Wrangler buns clearing the fence.

Our Vegas trip was a great getaway for us.  We had such a good time.  Bill won handsomely in 3 card poker and I nailed a $450. win playing Keno.  Saw many old friends.  Lenny and the Keno girls, Kevin in sports-book, and Bridget and Darren at Spago (an amazing Wolfgang Puck Grille).  We got to meet and take pictures with “Big Elvis” (Pete Vallee) whom God has blessed with a beautiful voice that sounds just like the real Elvis.  We also went to see the Donny and Marie Show which was fantastic.  So for a couple of old toots, we had a blast! 

Bill is recovering nicely from his melanoma surgery.  He had surgery on Thursday and we are nursing his 3″ incision on his face.  Lab results should be back on Monday.  Thank you to Dr. Ahern and his nurse Taryn, who is taking such good care of him.   He also had a small carcinoma on his ear and that was scraped off.  As for me …blood work next week and pelvic exam with handsome Dr. Bevers.  Must keep giving the who-who attention.  And get my port cleaned by the St. Luke’s girls. 

The only other thing to report is we bought a new toilet seat for the master bath.  Very nice…a wooden oak look.  But it squeaks when you sit down.  If you move at all it squeaks.  People hear you from the other room…squeaks.  The dogs are annoyed…squeaks.  Now you spray both air freshener and WD-40.

Magoo is still hanging in there.  Never a dull moment with him.  Lani was in charge while we were in Vegas.  The minute we hit town she left for Wisconsin.  Do not blame her.  A week waiting on him feels closer to a month.  Had to put new skis on his walker when we got back.  Lani said he drove her nuts coming over here 10 times a day.  I have no idea where he gets his energy.  He has to have a power pack concealed somewhere in his body.

Anyway, glad to be back.  Lots of catching up to do.  Missed talking with everyone and hope all of you are well.  Special hug out to our daughter-in-law Michele who lost her grandfather.  I know how much she loved him.



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Copperhead Chaos!

Hate them…absolutely hate them!  Only good one is a dead one-hate them!  And this one is DEAD!!!!!  We went to have dinner with our good friends Linda and David, Steve and Susan, and Steve’s girls at Collina’s.  Stopped by and had a glass of wine with my childhood friend Sharon and her hubby, then headed home to watch the end of the Bama football game.  As we were retiring for the evening…Leilani goes outside clad in her usual bedtime attire (which usually isn’t much…I know way TMI).   Anyway, sporting only a Texan t-shirt and undies, barefooted and headed for the outdoor fridge to get a couple of bottled waters, I open the back door and step through the doorway.  I was greeted by two beady eyes.  I jumped six feet and that probably saved me from a strike because it tried!  I’m jumping up and down at 10 PM on the back patio screaming SNAKE!  What does Bill do?  He passes by the kitchen window 3 times  piddling around and doesn’t even hear me.  The neighbors in the next time zone could but Bill of course does not have his hearing equipment in.  He has them in now …just not in his ears!  Lani comes running with her camera (she heard me) and we retrieved two shovels to attack.  Definitely a time for new underwear!  The copperhead was about 3 to 4 feet long, nasty,ugly,scary, and very disturbing on one’s bowels!  I guess he was looking for frogs because he was right under the door headed for the corner where our frog family lives.  Hope the little family is still in residence. Bill chopped it to bits…many pieces…and do you know that thing was still trying to bite.  Even dissected!   UGH!!!

Adding to the bedlam….Bill in all of his great decisions decides to let our 16 yr. old grandson borrow our chainsaw to eliminate some tree limbs from their driveway.  Bill, what were you thinking?  I guess grandmothers are more cautious about stuff, more common sense, and smarter comes to mind.  Of course all my questions were answered by “the LOOK”.  I get nervous when our 30 yr. old sons are using it.  Did you give him safety glasses?  Did you show him the emergency cut off?  Did you warn him how heavy it gets when holding it a long time over your head?  All answered the same way.  I even got the comment “I’m not stupid”.  So we get a call that Braden was now the proud owner of 5 stitches in his leg!  And who went ballistic about it? Bill!  All I did was smirk, sitting in my recliner with my “victory lap” smile.  No Bill…I don’t think you’re stupid.  OMG!  Man for sale.  Slightly used but has a brand new heart!

Several things to pass on to you.  September is ovarian cancer month.  And our color is teal.  And what a beautiful color it is.  Please wear it this month and pray for all our sisters who need a cure, and for those in the future who will find out the hard way about it.  One of Bill’s rehab nurses, Carrie, gave me an article out of a magazine showing that Laura Mercier cosmetics will donate 100% of the profits of their sales this month to ovarian cancer research.  So please help find a cure.  Buy the hell out of her make-up.  To learn more, visit lauramercier.com/OCF.  And please remember to donate to the Leilani Essary Hurles ovarian Cancer Research Fund set up at MD Anderson.  Let me know if you need envelopes made especially for the fund.  Thank you to all who have already given so unselfishly.  Hugs!!!

Came across a list of foods that help fight bloating and especially the bloat feeling that comes with the many phases of cancer and it’s fun times…like chemo and steroid use.  Asparagus, cucumbers, watercress, artichokes, green tea, lots of fruit.. especially watermelon, fresh ginger and fresh lemons.  Of course a good probiotic is always helpful.  The partaking of the grape is said to be good for you as well.  Especially the red wines.  So…”SIP” into something really comfortable like a nice glass of 14 hands Merlot.  It’s one of my favorites. 

Wear the TEAL!

Posted in Monday Update | 4 Comments

Bedtime Stories

Picture this…1:30 AM…not a creature was stirring except for Bill.  The man actually fell out of bed.  I mean rolled right off.  FOR REAL!  It was the loudest thud you have ever heard.  Then a bang.  Not only did he roll off the bed but hit his noggin on the way down.  After I made sure he was OK…I cracked up.  I have never seen that in my life.  Not even during the drunk’in college days.  It was like watching the 3 stooges.  Want to know what the difference between my Jeep and Bill is?   Bill doesn’t have roll bars!The dogs looked at me like ..Is he sleeping down here with us?  It’s a wonder Moochie wasn’t snoozing right by Bill.  He chose to honor me that night.  They like my side of the bed because they can see out the french doors and I have a multitude of fans blowing on me.  Then if that wasn’t enough excitement for the night.  The weather changed and a huge storm blows in.  The lab Starr has radar.  She picked that storm up 30 minutes before it hit.  She hates thunder.  The first crash of thunder sent her flying on the bed.  NO…sent her flying on top of me.  Now as we all know I try to accomidate when it comes to unforseen circumstances but I was now stuck between Ms. Scaredy-Cat and the bedroom parachuteer!  Life doesn’t get any better than this! 

Sometimes I feel torn about life and it’s opticals.  Like the characters in Mark Twain’s “Huckaberry Finn”.  Sometimes I feel like Huck.  Practical, mutual, good common sense, adaptable, and sympathetic.  Other times like his buddy Tom Sawyer. .. imaginative, a hopeless romantic and full of lifes values.  Then at times I feel like the last damn Cherrio in a bowl of cereal.  Soggy, dejected, but still floating!  That’s how I felt after the MRI.  Can’t imagine being one of Picasso’s women.  With multiple boobs.  Can you imagine what that MRI machine would look like?  Anyway, I called today because I still had not heard anything about the results.  All is well with the ta-ta’s.  Nothing bad showed up.  Now this is according to the lady I talked with on the phone because I was livid that I had not been contacted.  Anyway…headlights are still on and perkier that ever.  Well, for a woman of 61. 

Got to go get a haircut from son #1, Casey.  Well keep in touch if something else comes up.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  Hugs!!!

Ride, Baby,Ride!

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