The Hanging Boob Box (MRI)

I was going to write this earlier but I still have not received the results of my Breast MRI.  So I will get this off my chest…ha ha.  Nothing I have done in my entire life of enduring all kinds of pain have I ever been so uncomfortable.  First, you have to climb your naked ass (undies only) up on the conveyor belt.  Face Down!!!  Then you situate your boobs in a box.  The big box has two little boxes in it.  Each little box gets a boob.  And they just hang! Then you place your face in a hole that resembles what you use when getting a massage.  Except it’s only about 3″ deep.  So you are re-breathing the same air for one hour.  Then you are deposited feet first in the tube.  They say it takes 45 minutes for the test.  More like 1 hour.  And YOU CANNOT MOVE!!!  The noise is so loud and annoying.  The only good thing about the noise is that it is so loud, you forget that you can’t breathe.  You have a frame that your breast bone and diaphragm rest on…but what about people with ports.  It is so painful to keep pressing on that area.  One of Bill’s rehab nurses, Betty, says now I know what a cow feels like when she is being milked on one of the milking machines.  The whole procedure is utterly ridiculous!!! 

So hopefully I’ll hear something soon and I will be sure to pass it on.  I figure it has to be good news.  You would think if they found something I would have heard something right away.  Anyway, for those of you who have to have a breast MRI in the future…. get wasted before you go in, ask for s strong sedative, take naked pictures of George Strait to put in your face hole, have someone waiting for you when you get out with a bottle of wine, and pray that no one sees the images of your tits hanging through the rack.  Not to mention your underwear ass facing the ceiling. 


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The Patience of Job

In the past week, without the assistance of my faithful sidekick Lani, I have teetered with the thought of how many times Moses had to have cussed.  This is something I may have brought up before but it’s worth repeating. I mean, if in my little “nothing” life things get screwed up in major proportions to the point of grabbing the wine bottle, so… how many times in Moses life, (all 120 years of it), did that man  partake of the grape?  And…let it all out!  I mean..parting seas and crossing deserts take a lot out of you.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could part the traffic on I-10? Anyway, if the words that I’m thinking or that actually come out while I’m trying to stay calm and organized are worst than a sailor …I can only admire Moses for his patience and love for his people.  My challenge this week is tri fold.  Dealing with Bill and his little toe problems and rehab woes.  Dealing with Magoo because we will be gone most of the week.  (Get the Academy Award ready).  And my breast MRI.  The only remaining feminine part left on me is in jeopardy.  That is besides the “who-who” and if Dr. Bevers decides he is going to close that orifice up, I’m definitely putting a “For Sale” sign on this body and look for a new one.  I mean…my only fun these days is who is putting more time in with the “ole coot”….Bill or Dr. Bevers?  Gotta love them….one keeps it happy and one keeps it working.

I witnessed a beautiful sight the other night.  I couldn’t sleep (like many nights) and went to my french doors by my bed.  I could see every star in the sky.  The perfect night sky.  All at once (like many nights) I saw a falling star.  But this was the biggest, brightest, falling star I have ever seen.  It crossed over from North to South.  Traveling  slower than most.  You could actually see the flames in it’s tail.  Then it disappears in the southern sky over the cattle field behind us.  I gasped… out-loud.  It was so beautiful and amazing.  All I could think of was an angel blowing me a kiss.  Then, thinking..that’s no ordinary angel…that’s mom.  (It will be 15 yrs in Nov. that I lost her).  It reminded me of the love I felt when she was near me.  The love that radiated from her smile.  I knew there was that same love radiating from that star.  No matter what happens in my life, I will never fear anything, for I know I felt that glowing love star.

Magoo has learned the ups and downs of laundry duty.  I have taught him well.  But he has not experienced the sock bandit until last night.  A navy sock was eaten by the washing machine masked man.  Dad, it’s a proven fact the washing machine eats articles of clothing.   He asked me “what we can do about it”?  Make out a police report, take agitator DNA, let me know and I’ll blast the S.O.B. with my 9mm. …OMG,  how about a scavenger hunt?  Bingo, found and identified.  Fell out of his PJ’s pants.  Mental ward is not to far away.  No, not for him…ME!!!!

Friends are the key to life and Bill and I got to have lunch with one of my best girlfriends after his rehab last Friday.  So to Patricia H. , better known as the “Bama King”, we had a blast.  Pat will be retiring at the end of this year and we plan to make more time together.  Also met a new friend, Robin C.  Robin is a patient at MD Anderson and of the incredibly handsome Dr. Bevers.  (He’ll owe me for that one)!  Robin bought 4 books from me and we plan on getting together in the future for her fundraiser.  I’ll get all the details out to you when I get them.  She is in the middle of her chemo now.. .. with the same side effects that all that have been through the poisioning know all so well.   

I’ll leave for my thought of the day…(don’t ask it just pops up)…Forgive your enemy but don’t forget his name!!!!


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Life’s Little Annoyances

What is it with “NOSE HAIR”?  I mean why at the age of 61, are the hair follicles in my sniffer going berserk?  There must be some type of connection to the chemo treatments.  After chemo the hair in the nose says ” Ahhh, we are rid of that awful drug that kills us…let’s grow back longer and stronger than ever”.  It’s a conspiracy!  I think they have a recruiting station wedged up in there and send out draft notices.  And so many shades of gray, blond, black,brown….it looks like a clown wig!  So now I have to clip wild growing, free range, nose fringe every morning.  It’s now part of the routine along with brushing the pearly whites.

Rehab is going fine.  I really enjoy the exercise and the wonderful nurses that work there.  Thank you to Sarah, Carrie, Cassy, Debby,  Betty, and Cecelia the cardiac crew that make working out fun.  Last Wednesday Bill was informed that his “barn door” was open …..good thing the horse was not leaving the barn!  It was a little eighty year old woman that noticed.  See you never get too old to stop looking!  I was teasing the nurse (Carrie) that she was the one who showed the old lady Bill’s open fly.  She still denies it. 

My brother and his wife sold their house over the weekend.  Not sure where they will be moving to.  Sis-in-law’s mom has to have surgery at the end of this month so they will probably move to Mississippi for a while.  Then hoping to get back to Texas.  And on Saturday Lani flew out to meet up with Mr. Wonderful.  It is taking both sons to replace her.  She does so much around here to help out.  But she will be back in time for my breast MRI.  Thank goodness!  Can’t imagine doing this with Bill in charge.  OMG!!!!  He gets so panicky about “girl crap”.

I read recently in a book about foods that fight cancer that the spice Turmeric, is a anticancer spice.  I thought I would pass this on because it is so easy to add to a meal.  Turmeric and it’s active ingredient, curcumin, has many anticancer properties that seem to help detour cancer cells.  Add a teaspoon of turmeric to soups, salads, and even pasta dishes.  It is inexpensive way to get the curcumin intake that will help prevent the development of many types of cancer.  

Off to rehab now and then to see a friend of mine that is having a procedure done today.  That is if she is up to it.  Praying for great results.  Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  And what about those Texans!  Looks like a good group this season.  But I won’t jinx them right off the bat.  But GO TEXANS!!!!


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Did Someone Ask About Bill’s Rehab?

Three times a week (MWF) for one hour a day, I get to workout with Bill.  The Bible tells us God will never give you more than we can handle.  I don’t think the “good” Lord ever got sweaty with Bill.  (In fact, today I didn’t even workout.  I wrote my update).  This carries love to a whole different level.  We leave at 9:00AM to get there by 10.  We wire Bill up with his heart monitor and hit the warm up routine.  Then we hit the different exercise machines.  Bill seems to have taken to the treadmill and bike.  Then we lift weights…or a weight routine and then sit for a combo of yoga and stretches.  All I can say is Bill is a golfer, what else can you do with the bird legs he has?  In the yoga stretches the man tries to reach for my boobs.  The only body parts I have left …that are mine and he is messing with them.  I don’t think they have added a breast rub to yoga classes yet.  But we are feeling great and the workouts seem to be helping Bill with his over-all strength.  It also seems to be helping him sleep better.  How can I tell?  He is back to snoring!!!!

Our Aussie mix needed to be groomed.  BAD! He is an old guy and has issues with arthritis so we can’t take him in somewhere without a major ordeal.  Bill and I hit upon a company called “The Pet Box”.  They come to the house and do it here.  In their truck they have an hydraulic lift , bath tub, …the works.  So thanks to Edward and his daughter Leah, Moochie looks and smells wonderful.  He is so happy.  But with him getting all the attention our lab, Starr, got jealous.  So what does Starr do?  She goes hunting ang brings us a trophy.  A nice bird.  And puts it on her pillow.  I asked her “So who urinated in your sandbox?”  She just looked at me and pawed at it like… see what I can still do!!!  

Did you ever have that one mosquito …..that one that got away?  The one you couldn’t find until 2 AM and you hear it.  Still can’t find it until you are having a hot flash and kick the covers off your legs and it bites you on the bottom of your foot.  I named him “Evinrude” .  ( I name all skitters Evinrude due to some cartoon movie way back when).  I saw him when I laid the flashlight on his mosquito ass.  About 1 inch long, combat boots, goggles, scarf, WWI flying helmet (probably borrowed from Snoopy) and a newly sharpened proboscis that could penetrate a concrete pair of pajamas.  And that proboscis had my name written all over it.  Let the games begin!!!!  How many bites can he get in before I spray the hell out of him.  I’ve given enough blood in the last 3 years I certainly don’t need it displayed on my hand.  FYI…all squirrels are named “Chip” …all lizards are “Rupert”…and all snakes are SHOT!!!!!

With all the mass shootings going on lately …the movies and of all places, a place of worship, I would like everyone to remember that guns are a good thing but bad when put in the hands of bad individuals.  Without going political on gun laws and not going against anyone’s religious beliefs…I would like to quote the Book of James.  “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry”.  It seems so simple and so right. 

Hugs to all.


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Thanks for all the prayers. Just talked with Dr. Bevers… PET-SCAN results were NEGITIVE!  YEA!!!!!!!!!  Now I can enjoy myself for a while and see how much trouble I can get into.  Blessings to you all for all your support. 


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The Tube Ride!!!!

I Hate it…I Hate it! But I endured the ride through the ultimate “brown panty” adventure.  The horrid pet-scan!  Better known as nuclear wipe out.  I can thank my wonderful team at St. Luke’s pet imagining for making my morning as uneventful as possible.  Dawn, Leo, Danny, and Eugene.  Thank you.  Dawn always makes sure that my schnoz is as far from the roof as she can get it.  They played country music today…which relaxed me more… especially when George Strait is singing the last 3 minutes of the test.  Anyway…probably get results tomorrow.  And you know me I’ll be a nervous wreck until I do. 

Thank you to my daughter-in-law Michele.  My little computer whiz.  She set up all of our new computer equipment for us.  I would have probably blown the damn thing up.  If it is a 5G network….my brain works on 2 G’s.  Which means I have a instruction manual in one hand an a glass of wine in the other.  Adrienne at Verizon…you are a peach.  Thanks for putting up with 2 ole farts so early in the day.  I just got through with my pet-scan when we invaded Verizon and asked all the stupid questions that only us, 60 and over crowd can ask.  And no matter how well they explain it ….it’s still over our heads.  Not to mention I was starving from fasting.  Not a good combo for a woman just stuck in a tube the size of a sink pipe. 

Magoo had another tooth pulled last week.  Lani escorted his rear to the dentist while I accompanied Bill’s posterior to the doctor to get a ultra sound and check up.  The doctor wanted to make sure he didn’t have a blood clot in the right leg where they took out a vein for the surgery.  And the horses had their pedicures done by our wonderful farrier Trini.  Good Lord will’in and the creek don’t rise ….we will make it another week.

The ovarian cancer research fund has really taken off.  Thank you to all that have given and to all that have taken envelopes to give.  Every dollar counts to find a cure for the “silent killer”.  If you need a donation form please contact me through this website and I will mail you whatever you need.  I can feel the love and so will many others by the time we are through. 

Pray for all who need a lift.  Know that you are not alone and you have many friends through this website who love and pray for you each day.  BIG HUGS!!!!


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Great Party

Thank you to all who attended the jewelry fundraiser on Saturday.  Everyone had a great time.  Lots of wine and some hilarious photos taken.  Some pictures are posted on Facebook.  Seems my wig was the hit of the show.  I even had bald men trying it on.  FYI…clothing stayed on.  For those of you who bought jewelry from Tajana…she thanks you…for those that listened to my little speech on ovarian cancer and bought books….I thank you.  And for those that gave donations to the Leilani Essary Hurles Ovarian Cancer Research Fund…MD Anderson, Dr. Bevers, and I thank you very much!  And to my good friends David and Linda…thanks for coming so far to attend.  Dave you’re a real trooper to Bill and Magoo sit!  I’m sure the alcohol helped!!!

I took Bill out on his first OUT-OF-HOME excursion.  We drove to the bank, went to the post office, he bought his lottery tickets and we had lunch at Dekker’s.  Had the catfish and gumbo…it was delicious.  Bill actually stayed awake the whole time.  Crashed the minute we hit the door of the house.  And I hit the Merlot. was like babysitting.  I sit down with my wine and Magoo calls me over the intercom.  I go to the monitor and he is running around his house “buck naked”.  He was getting ready to take a shower and wanted me to make sure he had enough soap.  I told him if he didn’t have enough bar soap to use shampoo or toothpaste if you have to.  I’ll bring whatever he needs after he dresses.  Picture this…98…buck naked…walker…and I’m praying…please don’t bend over! 

I finished a really great book.  My friend and editor Tyler Tichelaar wrote it.  It’s titled “Spirit Of The North”…  and if you enjoy a talented author, an amazing story, and a few visits from spirits,  you will enjoy this book.  You can order it from his website or any book store.  ENJOY!!! 

Other than that…I’m a little confused.  I thought my CA 125 was a 4 and I got a call today from MD Anderson and they said it is a 4.7 which to me is closer to a 5.  I get awfully jumpy went it starts to rise.  But I have a pet-scan next Monday and I hope that nothing appears.  Nothing….not even the smallest dot.  After talking with Dr. Bevers I get the impression it would probably return sooner than last time…which puts us around next January or so.  I pray not sooner or better yet..not at all.  Also next month I have the breast MRI due to being BRCA 2 positive.  If I had known all of this 4 yrs ago….I would not have any female parts and no ta-ta’s.  It’s not worth it.  Keep prayers coming!


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CA 125 Results

Great news everyone.  CA 125 was a 4.  Pelvic and rectal exam were fine too.  As far as being probed goes!  I will have a pet scan within the next 2 weeks to put the icing on the cake and assure all is A OK from the inside.  Keep a clear pet-scan in your prayers.  The prayers sure worked for the CA 125. 

Have a wonderful week everyone.  And don’t forget the fundraiser/jewelry show this Saturday.  Info on last blog and  also on my Facebook page.  Ride,Baby,Ride!


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Depend On It!

“These are the times that try men’s souls”…Thomas Paine wrote in his 1776 writing of “The American Crisis”. It was inspired by his passion for the American Revolution.  Ole Tom only had to worry and deal with a revolution…I have MAGOO!  These are the times that try Leilani’s soul.  I have officially been mooned by Magoo.  Believe me the bare bottomed sight of your father’s 98 year old ass is not the most appealing scenery I can think of.  He was having a bout with constipation.  Dad never wears a Depends except…when I double dose him with milk of magnesia  to shut him up.  He doesn’t let up when he can’t poop.  It drives every one crazy.  I went over to check on him and he dropped his pants and said “do I have these on correctly”?  OMG!!!!  They would have fit better if he had put them over his head!  So he bends over right in my face to sit on the bed.  I do not need to describe this sight.  You may not eat for a week.  I didn’t!  I am now the officer in charge of the proper way to install Depends.

Bill on the other hand has been a pretty good boy.  Getting stronger each day but still sleeps quite a bit.  But when he is up…I want to shoot him!!!!  He not only piddles…he roams the house and piddles.  Not only does he roam the house and piddles …he roams the house and piddles right where I need to be.  If I’m in the kitchen trying to cook or clean up ..there he is.  Right in my space where I can’t move.  Usually with his back to me…just staring out into space.   “Earth to Bill”!!!!  Move your butt!  Oh…I didn’t know you were there….HUH?

Also disturbing is that in the middle of one of huge thunderstorms we have had lately here in Houston..our pool pump blew up!  Literally.  I heard it and ran outside where the pool equipment is and the damn thing was smoking!  So I went and poured me a wine and watched it send smoke signals while I called the pool dude.  I really think the rain helped it not catch on fire.  Should be fixed today.  Hopefully..That’s one problem I don’t need added to my plate.  The pool is my refuge and it has to be available at a moments notice.  Ahhh! 

Lani flies in tonight.  Celebration!  I have truly missed her more than she will ever know but she so deserves the vacation.  She said she had a wonderful time and I’m sure it will be hard for her to get on that plane this evening to return home.   Maybe I’ll have a son-in-law soon.  A golf pro son-in-law.  Love you TJ! 

Want to remind everyone that there is a fundraiser/jewelry show this weekend.  Wine and goodies will be served.  There will be beautiful jewelry and I will be on hand to speak and sign my book.  Procedes will go to the Leilani Essary Hurles Ovarian Cancer Fund at MD Anderson. 
Here is the info:Saturday, July 21, 2012
2:30PM to 5:00PM
At the home of Tajana Mesic
28219 Carmel River Court
Fulshear, Texas 77441 (in Cross Creek Ranch off of FM1093)
get lost call 972-415-3017

I have a Dr. Bevers appointment tomorrow.  Always nervous about the CA125 test and the pelvic exam.  I pray that all is OK.  I have had some discomfort in the lower abdomen and hope it is only something minor.  I’m sure there will be a PET-scan soon.  Lani will be going with me since Bill is still sidelined.  I will inform everyone tomorrow on the results.  Just keep praying my friends. 

Have a wonderful week.  Hugs!


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Life Without Lani

OMG!!!!!  Never know how valuable something is until it’s missing.  As I try to make it a few more days without losing my sanity, I realize how easy it is to actually “go over the deep end”,  “kick the bucket…and miss”, to have your “elevator miss a floor”, your “deck missing a card”,  your “nut is missing a bolt”, or have “a screw loose”!  And I have one main cause for it all.  MAGOO!!!  Bill is manageable…Magoo is so out control.  The man has to hog all the attention.  He goes to every length to drive me and Bill up the wall.  You would think a 98 yr. old man would sleep 98% of the day.  No, I have to inherit the “Energiser Bunny”!  The bunny equipped with a walker and house shoes that never wear out.  The superman of senior citizens makes at least 5 trips a day over here, in the heat, or drizzling rain, to antagonize me.  Bill sleeps through most of it either because he doesn’t hear him (go figure) or his pain pills are doing their job.  I thought about taking a few of those with a glass of wine but decided that I’m crazy enough without all the hoopla.  Lani is due back tomorrow but is thinking about staying a few extra days.  I hope she is having a blast…because her mom…is NOT!  Lani you are missed and I love you. 

You can always tell how much fun you’ve had by looking at your American Express bill.  What I need to buy is a servant.  A “taking out trash” servant.  A “looks like George Strait” servant.  I have lost 4 pounds just doing the Bill thing.  Not to mention breaking nails, opening and closing horse gates.  OK… enough bitching about it.  I am on a mission now.  I work part of the day then relax, get on line and buy stuff!  I’m getting real good at it.  Not like cruising the mall but when you are confined to the casa…make the best of it.  Just got the Am Ex bill in……I’ve had a ball!!!!

Someone once wrote “a true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you  are slightly cracked.”  Well….I know I’m slightly cracked but I also know that I have many friends and I am very grateful.  This passed week I learned of another friend that will lose her fight with ovarian cancer after fighting for only a short while.  I will not mention names but I feel that my need to get my research fund moving along is more urgent than ever.  Fighting for your life has become a daily thing for many people.    Please pass the word about ovarian cancer and our fight to win.  Any amount will be greatly appreciated.  Fundraiser events will be announced as they near.  Next fundraiser is July 21ST, in Fulshear, from 1-3PM.  More info will be given on address etc.  Or just mail your donation to:

Leilani Essary Hurles Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
PO BOX 985
Fulshear, TX 77441

Love you all,

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