Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone,

From the Hurles’ family to yours…we wish you a Merry Christmas and hope Santa brings you everything you want.  It was so easy for me to tell Santa what I wanted.  The last two years I have asked for one thing….to wake up each morning and love those around me.  Each day is a blessing and I will never take that for granted. 

Today in Houston it is cool and wet.  A perfect day to light the fireplace and enjoy the family.  Lani and I plan on nesting in the kitchen today and cooking Christmas Eve dinner.  The family should be over tonight to celebrate the joy of giving on Christ’s birthday.  Turkey, cornbread dressing, green bean casserole, gibblet gravy and of course an assortment of desserts will be on the menu.  The Honey Baked ham is always a added treat.  The Honey Baked Ham Store always takes that burden off the cook.  Thank you!  My sis-in-law Libby is fixing the mashed potatoes and deviled eggs.  When she sets the plates of eggs down the girls just move out of the way…it’s a major stampede.  We three women have come to the decision that we could set the plates outside and we could clear the house out for a little while. 

Bill has done it again.  Being the wonderful husband that he is….he asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  And you women know what I’m getting at!  Trying to play it safe, I just said “how about clothes”.  Which I really don’t need but figured it was the safest items to let him pick out.  Always amazed and surprised at men’s taste …..I am just holding my breath until Christmas morning.  Oh God,  please let it be something normal. (One year it was PJ’s with penguins on them..with built-in feet, flannel, hoodie, and, and, and…the most unusual color I’ve ever seen).  And of course I always tell him to keep the receipts.  

So have a great weekend and I’ll send the update on Monday.  The neighbors will know how the gift thing works out.  Bill might be duct taped to the mailbox for pick-up on Monday.

Hugs to you all,


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Monday Update

Good Morning,

Well, here we are the week before Christmas.  Christmas shopping for the “right” gift for each person on my list.  Although almost everyone has their likes and dislikes, which makes the Christmas ho-ho’ing a little easier, dad (Magoo) is the exception to almost every rule.  First of all at 97, he has everything.  And if he wanted something he would have us go out and buy it for him.  So, what do you get Magoo?  We thought about acting lessons,  only because his academy award performances aren’t very convincing.  He pulled a hum-dinger with Lani yesterday.  Bill, my brother,  my nephew Walker, and I went to the (very disappointing) Texan game.  Lani and her “football friends” had the privilege of dad-sitting.  (Privilege here is used very sarcastically).  If they had been on a ship….he would have been dangling overboard!!  He did everything and anything to disrupt their fun.  Then when I got home he acted like nothing ever happened.  Watch out Hollywood…here comes Magoo!

Bill is bugging me for a list of things I’d like for Christmas.  A new roll of duct tape would be helpful! (I think Lani used what I had left on dad yesterday).   First of all, I really don’t need anything.  I would love a little mo-ped to scoot around Fulshear Farms on.  And I would love a wetsuit so I could swim in the winter (which Dr. Bevers would probably kill me).  Have you ever sent any man…on purpose….to buy you anything?  I just tell Bill “I’ll love whatever you get me…just save the receipt”!  OMG!  Can’t wait for Christmas morning.  And please Lord don’t let him get me any clothes.  Always a disaster waiting to happen, in more ways than one!  I think I’ll just tell him to stick to Spec’s…the Merlot section.  Now there’s a gift never wasted.  And a thank you to Linda and David for my Merlot toting Santa…it is awesome!

Time also for me to get ready for a pet-scan right after Christmas to see how well the chemo worked.  God says a heart does not whine or rebel when things get tough.  He musters the courage in us trust Him in hard times.  “In quietness and trust is your strength”.  So, with a new year, comes new trust and faith.  So off to war I go again in hopes of finding new ways to fight cancer.  Thanks again for everyone’s support with the book.  Together we can spread hope to others.  So as we say in Texas…Merry Christmas y’all!!!!

Hugs and kisses under the mistletoe,





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White Christmas

Hi everyone,

Lani and I would like to report on our excursion to the musical “White Christmas”.  It was performed at Hobby Center in the Theater District in downtown Houston.  It was awesome!  If anyone needs a lift to make it through the holidays…this is your place to be.  Totally entertaining from start to finish and just like the original movie starring Bing Crosby, you are ready to count your blessings instead of sheep.  I know that I have so many things to be thankful for this Christmas and first on my list is being alive and treasuring each day.



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Monday Update

Getting more in the Christmas spirit each day.  I love Christmas!  It’s by far my most favorite time of year.  I strongly believe you get out of Christmas what you put into it.  I remember as a kid, the things my parents did for my brother and me to make Christmas so special.  The excitement of getting to stay up late on Christmas Eve was a huge treat.  (I figured out after becoming a parent that this is all strategy.  Let the kids stay up…wear themselves out trying to hold out to see Santa…then they will hopefully sleep a little later on Christmas morning.  May work for most kids but not for my middle child, Casey.  Casey ran circles around Santa, his elves, his reindeer and his parents)! 

On Christmas Eve afternoon we would start out by delivering gifts to friends and family.  After it got dark, mom and dad would grab their “Christmas cheer” (cocktail…usually scotch) and we would roam the streets looking at the beautiful lights and decorations.  The only two Santa’s in Houston back in the early 50’s, since there were no malls, was either visit Santa at Foley’s downtown or Santa at Mrs. Baird’s Bakery.  The one at Mrs. Baird’s always seem to have more spunk.  He sat in his sleigh with all the reindeer in front and had to drink “something” to keep him warm. Hence, the spunk part!  The Foley’s Santa was inside where it was warm.

Getting home from our annual adventure, mom would have us all dress in our flannel red pajamas.  Yes, they all matched!!  We were as they say in “elf land” …identical!  Mother even went as far as getting matching house shoes.  Which my brother would always loose at least one.  Very clever on his part to not have to wear them.  We looked like Santa’s “throw back” elves.

The TV shows that I treasure this time of year are “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby, “Miracle on 34TH Street”, the original with Natalie Wood, the cartoon version of “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” where Burl Ives narrates, And of course Our family cookie night favorite “Christmas Vacation”. 

As I have mentioned in last Monday’s update, Lani and I have a couple of outings planned in the next two weeks.  Our annual visit to the Alley to see “A Christmas Carol” and to TUT’s to see the musical “White Christmas”.  This is the first time to see “White Christmas”.  I’m sure it will be wonderful. 

Enjoying getting rid of the chemo fog.  Everyday I feel stronger and ready to get my life back on track.  I appreciate you hanging with me and letting me reminiscence about Christmas past.  My wish is that we all have many more wonderful Christmas Eve’s together and that we do not forget the love in giving.  Remember each morning is a joyous sunrise gift from God.  Expect great things!

Ride,Baby,Ride! and a big hug,



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Neiman Marcus book signing for BBBS

Good morning everyone,

What makes life special????  FRIENDS.  Old and new friends. 

Last night was amazing.  The Big Brother Big Sister Org. had a get together last night at Neiman’s at the Houston Galleria.  I met so many wonderful people that give of their time to help others.  Signing the books for them was nothing but pure pleasure.  I know have so many new friends that I can add to my blessings of old friends.  My husband Bill and daughter Lani were my escorts, for moral support, and were over whelmed at the hospitality given to them as well.  BBBS president Ron Hadley, is awesome and if anyone would like to become a BBBS to a kiddo in the Houston area or make a donation to this wonderful network of the “unselfish giving of time”, please give them a call.

Thanks to my friends who sent e-mails and texts to wish me luck and give encouragement.  You all hold a very special place in my heart.

Ride,Baby,Ride! and hugs!


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Patrick Snow

Patrick Snow is a major force in my life.  Full of enthusiasm and encouragement.  Patrick is my coach and friend.  He was instrumental in writing my book.  Patrick is a author, keynote speaker and entrepreneur.  Please check out his website at

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Monday Update

Hi everyone!

Feels like winter today.  Finally!  Usually Houston doesn’t get a cool front until January.  But we did get some much needed rain.  Only bad part about it blowing in today is that I have to receive my white cell injection today. 

Lani and I have a plan to keep Magoo occupied.  This is brillant.  Lani’s friend TJ has a 90 year old grandmother who lives close to us.  Only set back for her is that she can’t hear.  The only set back for dad is he can’t see.  Now two set backs can make a perfect match.  And guess what she has her own teeth too.  Will wonders ever cease?  They can go on dates to the dentist.  Plans are in the works.  The only problem is who would kill who first.

After chemo Friday I had a “low key” weekend.  Perched myself in my chaise lounge.with my blankets, pillows and lap top.  All bundled up.  I even shared my perfect hide away with my Lab Starr.  There were no major problems from chemo and I took my awlful drink to keep me from being constipated…so all in all a pretty good chemo weekend.  Now I can enjoy the wonderful Christmas holidays and concentrate on my family and friends. No more chemo!!!  Stay positive!

Lani and I have planned a couple of shopping days and also a couple of girl’s night out.  We have tickets to see the musical “White Christmas” and also our annual night at the Alley to see “The Christmas Carol”.  Our mall trips are always full of excitement and mischief.  Bill does not like malling with the girls….and the girls do not like malling with him!  Talk about Scrooge!  Just leave me and my American Express card alone!!!  And of course, Lani instigates all the trouble …I’m just an innocent bystander.  Hey, how much trouble can an old bald headed woman get into?  Prospects are endless!

So my friends, have a great week.  I appreciate every ones prayers that are sent.  Please know that they are right back at ya!  Special shout out to my friend Lindsay Bevers (Dr. Bevers and his wife Dr. Bodurka’s 11yr. old daughter).  Lindsay is wanting to write her own book.  I know that she will be successful.  After all she is the product of two very special, caring people.  Not to mention… my friend.

Hugs from Fulshear,








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Celebrate …chemo #6 is over!

Good news everyone,

Chemo #6 came and went without a hitch.  Now I have a pet-scan scheduled after Christmas to make sure no cancer was left behind.  Fighting a small headache but taking my nausea pills religiously.  Keep prayers coming for great results.

The ovarian cancer conference was awesome.  MD Anderson did an wonderful job and so did the Foundation for Women’s Cancers.  Gave out many business cards and donated a book to the MD Anderson Library.  Talked to many cancer survivors who, as I do, fight for their life everyday.  I couldn’t sell books there because they are non-profit but had a mailing list for people who wished to buy. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Go Texans beat Atlanta and Go Houston Cougars beat S. Miss.  This will give the Coogs the conference championship and go to 13-0!  Awesome!!!!



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Monday Update

Good Morning All,

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.  We had a house full of family, food, and fun!  The weather was gorgeous.  Kids played lacrosse and ran amuck while the “big kids” (you know the ones over 21,31, oh hell 41) attempted to played football.  And everyone played guitars and sang on the back porch.  Believe me this family can jam!!!  The guitar players did an awesome job but I have to say the rest of us that tried to chime in, fell short!

With the weather getting cooler a lot of us have started wearing scarves.  Let me give you a peek into the life and times of Leilani’s scarf.  First thing is if you plan on being reincarnated as a scarf do not come back as the end part.  Either end.  The part with the fringe.  In one days time my scarf had been dragged on the floor, dropped in my food, caught in the car door, closed in the refrigerator door, sat on and almost strangled me, zipped up in my pants (don’t ask), and did a dip in the toilet!  It’s almost as bad as coming back as a pair of underwear, a toilet bowl, or a condom.  Nothing that one would want to volunteer for.

All the Thanksgiving stuff has been put away and the Christmas decorations have emerged.  Now all I have to do is worry about Bill falling off a ladder.  E-GAD!  You remember my Santa…wears red, hearing aids, ball cap, and men’s depend cup…let’s don’t add broken leg to it.

OK, busy week ahead.  Blood work and exam with Dr. Bevers on Wednesday. ( where I might add, spreading the legs isn’t so bad)!!!!  Ovarian Cancer Survivors Course on Thursday at MD Anderson.  Lots of information on OC will be presented.  Including Dr. Bevers wife, Diane,  who is also an OB/Gyn Oncologist at MD Anderson.  I will have a table set up to promote my book, which I hope will raise lots of money for MD Anderson OC research.  And last but not least…Chemo on Friday.  Last one in this round!!!!  Bring out the wine!  Let’s hope I don’t have to worry about it for a long time.  And of course that’s where your “knee-mails” comes in.  Please continue to pray for me and all of those you need our thoughts everyday. 


Hugs from Fulshear,


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Happy Thanksgiving

May God bless all of you and your families during this season of thanks and love.  We are so blessed to have each other.  Ride,Baby,Ride!




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