Monday Update

Hi everyone,

I would like to start today by telling everyone that I had the BRCA 1 & 2 test run.  My doctor called me and I have tested positive for carrying the gene to pass ovarian cancer on to my children.  But I also have the mutated BRCA 2 gene that puts me at high risk for breast cancer.  I really don’t know all the details yet.  I have an appointment with Dr. Bevers after Thanksgiving and we will discuss and explain all of the options.  Of course I am more concerned about Lani and how she takes all of this.  I am thankful though that we do have these tests that we can use to prevent future family cancer occurrences.  Modern medicine is amazing.  The BRCA test used to be done by blood testing but now it is a very simple swishing of SCOPE first thing in the morning and spitting in a test tube.  I know…how vivid?  So, if anyone is worried about passing the cancer gene on please look into this test.  Insurance is the “iffy” part here.  Need to see what criteria you need to meet for your particular insurance.

I’m sure everyone knows what a “bucket list” is.  But just in case…it is a wish list of sorts… of things you want to do before you kick the bucket!  I have decided that since everyone and their dog has seen me naked and “who-who” exposed, that I would like all the doctors, nurses, and techs who got to view me while I was out cold, to line up and drop the scrubs!!!!  Sounds only fair to me.  Hey, I might be missing something important!  Some earth scattering discovery.  Leave out the female doctors, nurses and the janitors though.  Not going there.

OK, and I have added to the “things that drive me crazy” list.  Have you seen the commercial where the V-8 juice dude jumps from some undisclosed place and scares the  pajaggers out of some one and then pours them a V-8 fusion? Or the opera singers on the bus singing in their costumes for J.G. Wentworth? Or the Stanley Steemer guy on the floor hugging it and smelling where some animal did his business?  I’m telling you this world has gone nuts.  REALLY???  I’m starting to feel half way normal having ovarian cancer. 

I have found out that if you want to keep the mosquitoes away.  Go have a round of chemo.  Now this is not scientific fact but I can tell you that mosquitoes love me.  I am bit constantly when they are out and about.  But after chemo they do not come near me.  Go figure.  I do notice that right before my next chemo they start buzzing around again.  I’m guessing because the chemo is starting to wear off and I need another juicing!  Don’t laugh, it’s not chemo fog, it’s just my normal crazy brain at work! 

Bill and I had coffee with a good friend of ours, Ron, and his mother Phyllis in from Bourbonnais (I think that’s correct) a little town south of Chicago.  We met at Starbucks for coffee and had a great visit.  Phyllis is a 20 year breast caner survivor and we bonded immediately on all kinds of topics from chemo fog to forget your modesty.  My wish one day is that ovarian cancer survivors can say I made it  20, 30, or 40 years!  And we will!!!!!!Anyway, I just want to get away from the negative and let’s get to the positive.  I get with my “pray pal” , GOD, several times a day and we talk over finding a cure for cancer.  Get’er done!

The book has really taken off.  Lots of positive feed back.  Remember $5. of each book goes to ovarian cancer research.  So pass the word.  Sending everyone a shout out for a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING.  I hope that everyone has a blessed time with those that are with you and I give thanks everyday that I have friends and followers like you to keep me going.  I am truly blessed!!!




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Just a Thought

Some days I wake up with these incredible, earth shattering points of wisdom!  But I started thinking about some of the people around me (especially the female ones) that are ready and eager to come to the aid and rescue of others but don’t ask for a little help themselves.  I decided that everyone should have a “go to” buddy, a chemo pal, an ace in the hole, etc.  This person is chosen to promise to listen to you at least once a day on anything you want to talk about.  You need a listener, not someone rattling off unwanted advice, and not a family member.  Family members get to hear you gripe and b-i-…tich all the time.  This is your special person that just says at the end of your thoughts, fears, and plans, to simply say…great, have a nice day!  I have considered my “go pal” as a extremely easy going, non excitable treasure in my life.  As a matter of fact…I have several.  How lucky is that?  This my friends does not just apply to cancer but to any adversity we might be facing.  Life is short.   Ride,Baby,Ride! 

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Monday Update

Hi everyone,

Sometimes family members are forced to spend more time together than they care to, like during chemo week.  The chemo victim is scared to go anywhere too far from base because you might make a total ass out of yourself. (Not me of course, I could and would never make an ass out of myself!  (:lol: Quit laughing).  I compare going out during the few days after chemo, to a self inflected wound.  Pointless!  Anyway, so much closeness causes loved ones to rub each other the wrong way.  I actually was ridiculed last week for the way I prepare my cereal.  In 60 years no one has ever made fun of my morning rituals…until now.

I’m not big on milk, sugar, and cereal for that matter.  So not being a big cereal eater when I do decide to hit the cardboard box, I have to mix my cereals.  Yes, I am a cereal mixer!  General Mills and Kellogg should hire me.  I come up with the best  mixtures.  It’s not a handed down family recipe…it is a creation of cravings that my body signals to me.  Experts say your body tells you what it needs.  As a kid I was a Rice Krispies fan.  Snap, Krackle and Pop were my dudes.  My box heroes.  But if your body is screaming Frosted Flakes that day…go find Tony.  If your body says I feel like sitting in the “john” all day…go for the bran.  Being a “practical Pete” go for the whole grain and so on.  But don’t ask me why anyone’s system would ask for Captain Crunch.  ( Captain Morgan’s a different story).  So…I mix my Fiber One Shredded Wheat squares to my whole grain Raisin Nut Bran.  Thank goodness I do not eat cereal very often.  The family member, which will remain anonymous, has now found another place to store their cereal.  (Hint, wears hearing aids)!!!

I can honestly say the only good thing about the week after chemo is you don’t have to worry about waking up with “bed head”!  You just have to make sure your head is not permanently stuck to your pillowcase.  Silk cases do help but are not fool proof.  I am going to add to my increasing growing “bucket list” to find a perfect pillow case for bald people.  Oh yeah, and the perfect cereal blend!

Finally got over the achy bones and muscles from the white blood cell shot.  But I have had a little bit of shortness of breath while overexerting myself too much.  Probably the red cells this time.  It’s always something.  Sounds like an abundance of red meat this week to make up for it.  Gee…a nice steak everyday.  See…there is a bright side to everything!!!!

Want to close by thanking everyone for your continuous support of the book.  The first week blew me away.  I could not absorb all the kindness and love.  Please encourage your friends to check the website for news and updates.  We can all make a difference.  Inspire those who need help and show that they can depend on you.  I plan on making a difference one book at a time.  Ride,Baby,Ride!

Hugs from Fulshear,


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Don’t forget to tell your friends!!!!!!

Hey everyone,

Don’t forget to tell your friends to be sure and check in every Monday.  My Monday Update will now be posted on the website rather than sent as an e-mail.  However, I will e-mail all you “regulars”  to remind you of the change  the first couple of Mondays.  😉



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Ovarian Cancer Survivors Course

Hello my friends,

The Foundation For Women’s Cancer is sponsoring a Ovarian Cancer Survivor’s Course.  Thursday, December 1, 2011.  It will be held at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.   8:00AM to 4:00PM.  It is FREE!  But pre-registration is required.  For those in Houston..right here at home.  Please visit them for information at: Or phone 312-578-1439. 

More news on the way my loves!!!!   Have a wonderful day!  Ride,Baby,Ride!!!!!!



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Another Ovarian Cancer Book

Hello my friends,

Wanted to suggest other reading material and websites to visit.  I have a friend, Chris Bledy, who has written a book on ovarian cancer.  Titled “Beating Ovarian Cancer”, How To Overcome The Odds and Reclaim Your Life.  Chris is also a late stage and recurring cancer survivor.  Check it out if you are interested.  Lots of facts about ovarian cancer and other tidbits on diet etc.  Visit her website at




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About Monday Updates

Hello everyone…thanks for stopping by.

Thought I would take a minute, a deep breath, and probably should grab a glass of wine… to pass on what you can expect from this website.  Ovarian cancer has been an unbelievable shock.  No one really can grasp the anger, fear, love, hate, and other emotions that go through your mind when something life threatening enters your life.  It appears out of no where and in my case, will be with me the rest of my life.  OK…so be it.  There is one thing all must know from the beginning…Leilani does not give up.  So, every Monday, and at other times during the week,  I will post a Monday Update.  These updates are full of information and real life happenings that occur in my world.  Please feel free to comment and become a part of our fight to beat ovarian cancer. 



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Website Launched!

We have just launched the Ride, Baby, Ride! book website!  Thanks for visiting!

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